"Wild Horses and Renegades"
Calls Attention to the Abuse of Wild Horses and Protected Lands in the American West

This page is just the introduction to a much more in-depth report focusing on Wild Horse Sanctuaries such as what Madeleine Pickens has created with her "Mustang Monument", and documentary film makers who created "Wild Horse Wild Ride" and "Wild Horses and Renegades". The psychotic minds in the military industrial complex must be "reigned in". You the consumer have great collective power to do this. Buycott nuclear power and insist on using only renewable alternative energy in your home, farm, ranch or work area. Create "Nuclear Free Zones" such as what the town of Sebastopol, California did. Above all support the people who are caring for the horses. While you are visiting their websites, whether it is a working horse ranch hosting trail rides, dreamers hosting go fund me campaigns or horse rescue centers be sure to visit the horses and contribute to their well being. We must consume wisely while embracing conscious tourism. You will be surprised how much better you feel in your heart and mind when you live and spend to honor all life.

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